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Order special editing for your pictures
instagrid ←←← Do you like our editing? Do you want your Instagram Grid look like this? Would you like to apply this style to your pictures? If your answer is YES, then we have bad news for you. It's not possible reproduce this icy, cool, fresh and intense pastel style using one click presets. Why? Because our style is too unique. It requires many complicated regulations and use of advanced Photoshop tools. Each picture is different but thanks to step by step, manual elaboration of pictures, we get always the same looking result.
Therefore, if you're not interested in getting presets available in our "Actions" section, we advise you to try our special editing solutions. Don't trust our words, just see the difference what our editing can do!
Unfortunately we cannot render our style available to anyone (at the end it's not even possible to describe single regulations made in Photoshop to get the above result). But the good news is that you can order this special editing for your pictures! Just contact us using the mailform below and describe your request. We will get back to you within 24h and inform you about available packages and the price.
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